

Groupthink members see themselves as part of an in-group working against an outgroup opposed to their goals. You can tell if a group suffers from groupthink if it:

1. Overestimates its invulnerability or high moral stance,
2. Collectively rationalizes the decisions it makes,
3. Demonizes or stereotypes outgroups and their leaders,
4. Has a culture of uniformity where individuals censor themselves and others so that the facade of group unanimity is maintained, and
5. Contains members who take it upon themselves to protect the group leader by keeping information, theirs or other group members', from the leader.

...taken from this article by the author of Ender's Game, whose novels i love but whose opinion pieces i'm not always impressed by


aliens with mad skills

contrary to what the title would have you believe this isn't about extraterrestrial rappers. it's about recognizing what business leaders and the markets already have...

America needs me.

i promise i won't outsource.



so i was reading the news and saw that the head of BP had to resign after lying about a gay affair with a canadian. now i guess with left wing liberal fanatics running the media these days people's sex lives and sexuality just might be considered their own business but a man in his position should have known not to fuck a canadian.

a friend of mine was saying how turned off he was when after having sex with a girl he met online, he cracked a joke and she uttered the im-word "lol" in response. he would have wondered what the world was coming to had that situation been true. unfortunately he was actually just masturbating over the facebook profile of a girl he'd never met and had allowed the fantasy to carry on too long.

i am trying to write a screenplay for a movie that is half ennui half action. the protagonist would be a disillusioned young male artist called Jacques Phallus.


out of the mouth of babes

so i'm play-fighting with my 4 year old cousin chrissie (she's quite the tom-boy) and i tell her that every one has a weakness and you just have to figure out what it is. so she naturally asks me, "what is your weakness, marc?" before i can even think about what to say, her 7 year old sister serah -who happens to be passing by and overhears the question- immediately blurts out of all things.....


good god. they all know.