
colbert at the white house!

this man has muthafuckin balls. lampooning the bush administration to their faces.

view his speech.

more fyah.


John Kenneth Galbraith, the man who coined the phrase "conventional wisdom" has passed away. today's quotes will all be his.

"The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking."

“We all agree that pessimism is a mark of superior intellect.”

“All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership.”

“There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting.”

“Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.”

“We are becoming the servants in thought, as in action, of the machine we have created to serve us.”

“Much literary criticism comes from people for whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave cerebral inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a much cherished aspect of academic freedom.”

“In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, contentedly, even happily wrong.”

“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite."


life happens along the curb


Life is one big road with lots of signs / So when you riding through the ruts, don't you complicate your mind / Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy! /Don't bury your thoughts, put your dream to reality...

--- Robert Nesta Marley


stanford law school

stanford law school, a little sleepier

area tshirt idea fails to take off



if you laugh at jokes made about everyone but you, you're missing the point.

overheard in White House

reporter: mr. president, what do you think about the US national anthem's rendition en español?

bush: well first i'd like to thank you for asking your question. it's an important question and it's my job as president to answer questions that i'm asked. i... well i... i think that it should be sung in american, the same language the bible was written in.


right on time

guy: baby, could you wash your dish at least before you put it in the sink!
girl: premature ejaculator.


talkin bout gazprom

a few years ago i remember talking with a couple friends about Putin's clever maneouvres with Gazprom as genius tactics for the long term. with yukos oil co.'s mikhail khodorkovsky incapacitated in prison Gazprom was able to takeover roman abramovich's Sibneft. fast forward to 2006:

"At $265 billion, Gazprom is the world's fourth-biggest publicly traded company, after Exxon Mobil Corp., General Electric Co. and Microsoft Corp." (bloomberg.com)

now the cold war's victors are running a little scared with a potential russian monopoly on gas supply to europe; condoleeza rice be all up in athens talkin bout energy diversification and shit. and as economic centers of gravity shift to china and india, russian leverage will increase with her market options. all i gotta say is "well done sir, mr Putin." see them western folks scramblin on tv, talkin bout all kindsa wheat grass fuel and other comical alternatives. it will be interesting to see how you engage the arab oil suppliers in the face of US desperation to secure energy reserves.

[today i have a soft spot for russia. she was always branded
the enemy in the western spy novels i loved as a kid but she basically won world war ii for us, paying the heaviest price in the process- 27 million military, 19 million civilian deaths. (nobody laments her loss, cuz westerners are hatin' muthafuckas.) of course what's more, russia also produced some of the world's greatest theoretical physicists, and you know i'm bout that.]


When [Europeans] come to us, it is called investment and globalization, but when we plan to enter [their markets], it is referred to as expansion...We must agree on common rules of the game.
--- Vladimir Putin, commenting on the hypocrisy of the western world in trade


m.in.d.f.light. mama talk

contender #1: yo mama so fat she fill the gap in human evolution

contender #2: yo mama so fat she caused The Flood when she fell in the bathtub

contender #1: yo mama so fat oil prices fell after her liposuction

contender #2: yo mama so fat it's high tide when she at the beach

contender #1: yo mama so fat she IS her high cholesterol count

contender #2: well, yo mama so fat she need a passport to sit in one place


overheard in the Pentagon

analyst #1: dude, did you see the zarqawi video?

analyst #2: yeah, uh, he's looking a lil fat these days don't you think?

analyst #1: terrorists can gain weight?

analyst #2: all i know is... SOMEbody hasn't been praying five times a day!


Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while a great wind carries me across the sky.
--- Ojibwe, c/o the Sopranos

gray google

jeez, google. what is up with your quotes of the day? maybe it's the cloudy weather over HQ in mountainview, ca. why is it that so many of our most brilliant philosophers throughout history seem dissatisfied with the human condition? usually, it's the optimistic species that is supposed to survive longer, although i suppose that if you're "brilliant" you'll survive regardless.
If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.
- George Aiken
Thank God men cannot as yet fly and lay waste the sky as well as the earth!
- Henry David Thoreau
The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

area blogger caught intellectually masturbating

area blogger, seen here expounding his private views in public

um, beauty... post scriptum preamble

so all that shit in the previous post may mispresent the whole of my views on "beauty" because the argument addresses mainly one position. i often take turns arguing opposite sides with myself but anything i write tends to focus on the "intellectual" side because i'm a little obsessive compulsive about conquering the animal nature of the human psyche and because i like being the one person to disagree with the masses. makes marc feel special doesn't it.

of course there are beautiful things that should be "appreciated". i love blue skies or tobago sunsets or beams of light through sensi smoke as much as the next person. when i question "beauty" out loud it is with the long run intention of enhancing the concept not revoking it. so for example if ones observes symmetry or asymmetry in some geometry or masterly applied hues and shades in a painting and this is perceived as beautiful that is great! but it gets questionable when beauty becomes entangled with biological indicators as happens when one sees, say, flowers (forager knows that plant food is nearby) or female breast size and body curvature (male sees food/fertility potential).


beauty: an evolution of ideas and tingly feelings?

outside my door sits a neglected concrete pot with soil and the ghosts of plants past. usually, i'd pass by without noticing said pot even though it is always in my peripheral vision. this is to be expected; naturally, the brain is filtering out information irrelevant to whatever biologically programmed and culturally conditioned purposes currently control my actions. recently i'd become aware of the existence of spring weeds shooting up in the dirt even though i don't remember ever taking a moment to focus on the pot. it would seem that this information was processed and deemed worthy enough to be kept only in peripheral memory, so i wouldn't be able to tell you details about new plant growth like shape, size, etc.

in the last couple days however, i noticed the pot in a different way; i was compelled to focus on it. some new visual information was processed and set off a neural alert. it's amazing to me that i literally HALTED my routine of key fidgeting and door opening to turn toward the pot. this was not a conscious decision; it was made deep down in the cognitive processes beyond the reach of awareness.

as i looked at this brilliantly coloured flower i began to think about how its appearance at this place and time had temporarily affected the course of my universe solely by virtue of its visual characteristics. some people, maybe most people, maybe everyone in the world but physics types, attribute that to the existence of something called "beauty". me personally, i tend to see as much "beauty" in this flower as i see "magic" in the transfiguration of the hues of a rapidly spinning colour wheel into a white glow. a small part of me still does think "oh look! a pretty flower" but only if one considers me to include mental processes apart from the conscious self. (i don't.)

more and more that exclamation is becoming "oh look! a flower", my point being that the conscious processes and intellectual faculties can sometimes supersede certain instinctual processes, and though i notice the flower with the same intensity ("oh look!") i seem to lack enough of the sensation that hold other humans in awe. as such, and because i was thinking of what it would be to be high right then, i had to ask myself why such mental perceptions as "beauty" ended up being exalted as ubiquitous and self-evident truths, deified, in the course of human existence. why is it that "beauty" is something, i am told, to be appreciated? "beauty" is defined within the subjective reality of the eye, and perhaps sex, of the beholder. so it irks me that a concept that has little objective basis other than tingly feelings in the brain should be enforced upon me as something to be worshipped, "just because".

by questioning the nature of "beauty" i am NOT implying that the concept is a false or useless one. quite the contrary. i endorse the pursuit of happiness, whatever that entails, as an objective of, if not a sustaining factor behind, continued human existence; albeit that pursuit should be directed by our higher faculties in line with our evolution away from will-less, semi-conscious intelligent information processing animal units toward what i like to describe as thoughtful godly humanity, capable of choosing existence or non-existence through free will rather than existence choosing us through encoded biological instruction. i want to say that the flower IS beautiful but not just because of a primitive neurological cue. it is beautiful because when one looks at the flower one can see the confluence of events that led to its existence, and the interbeing of all existence. the light from the sun traveling across space, the wind and the rains whirling about earth, the very cycle of life that produced sentient beings who can then appreciate their own existence. that is beauty.


Europe and America are both to blame for the latest setback, and each is making strenuous efforts to hold the other responsible.
--- Economist.com, A darkening mood over Doha


all about the unit cohesion

excerpts from a decent article about the sociological evolution of the military and ramifications for peace activism.

"Since World War II military psychologists, sociologists and historians--most notably the army historian S.L.A. Marshall, who interviewed hundreds of combat veterans in the Pacific theater--have agreed that soldiers fight not for justice, democracy or other grand ideas but for the guy next to them. Unit cohesion is the real glue holding the US military together."

"The military is like family, for a lot of people," says one vet. In many ways, the US military is a uniquely straightforward institution. Unlike society as a whole, it doesn't pretend to be a democracy--it's a hierarchy and makes no bones about that, but as such, it contains checks and balances, an appeals process and clear paths forward for promotion.

"The US military has one of the best affirmative action programs in the country," says Stan Goff, a twenty-six-year veteran of the US Special Forces, including the ultra-secret Delta Force... "The other thing about the Army is that it's fair. If you know the regs you can work the system."

"... egalitarian mingling and the intense camaraderie, plus decent pay, housing for family and constant training opportunities, can make military life look a lot better than the atomized, segregated, economically stagnant world outside. And all of this creates a deep-seated sense of loyalty to the military, even among those who oppose its wars."

"If 1960s activism was fueled by disillusioned outrage, then today's activism is fettered by a type of world-weary cynicism."

la chapelle

my sisters' music teacher and mentor passed away at 59. it is a little strange seeing them go through pain at her loss; i couldn't really feel their pain, only concern. usually family members share personal attachments but i guess i've been absent for the last five years and i missed those developments. i do remember though, on the few occasions i met this woman while vacationing at home in the last couple years she was incredibly sharp. witty and mischievous even. that makes her passing a little less easy to accept i suppose.

one random memory... i remember her *not disapproving* of me being *improper*... for instance, if i was commissioned to go pick her and my sister up after a music lesson and i was wearing my staple hot weather "wife-beater" or something like that, i might get berated by the family (marc put a shirt on!) but she wouldn't give a shit. she'd been a mentor to kids her whole life and she knew college boy had already handled his business, wife-beater on my back or not, which meant he got a break from shit-taking and the folks' victorian hang ups.

my impression of her is that she LIVED in her 59 years more than most people living to 79 years. been around the world, found her passion in music and mentoring. most people just do what they end up doing. she seemed to be her own flow.

respect due, miss la chapelle.


overheard in America

the public: "so, mr. president, why are there top secret war games modeling a bombing campaign against iran? what justification is there to invade another middle eastern country?"

bush #2: "heh heh. see, we got it all figured out now. we've got the same intelligence as last time. it's just we mixed up our 'n's and 'q's before."

the public: "it all makes sense now. good thing we paid our taxes."

overheard in Tehran

mahmoud ahmadinejad: "we have an underwater missile that is faster than any other underwater missile in the world. our superior supercavitation missile technologies will allow us to destroy the navy of the great satan in the strait of hormuz!"

army general: "but we only had one. and we used it in the war games to show the international press."

mahmoud ahmadinejad: (whispering) "oooookkk. plan b. put the oil under israel. let them bomb the jews instead."

nursery rhymes

subliminal trickery's a well honed art,
game ran on the brains of man stone-smart,
since the early days, of our earthy shades,
to the times of our races grown apart,
so though wordly ways may seem modern to you,
you been duped and the truth hasn't gotten to you,
if your brain's maintained like a snail paced game,
any know--ledge gain's too sudden for you,
and hot buttons 'll do for plain folks refrains,
who just speak, repeat, the same jokes again,
the same blokes they blame, the same at--ti-tudes,
never thinkin' they stinkin' of plat--ti-tudes,
like the sad old fools they persist to be,
'slaved to man-made rules of their history,
making four right turns as the oil light burns,
that the point of their lives is a mystery,


i be that whiskey in your liver

--- GZA, the Genius



"manliness is below the gentleman, since many manly men are coarse and rude, but i believe it is also above him in the unfamiliar, uncelebrated manliness of the philosopher."

--- Harvey C. Mansfield

overheard in Heaven

angel gabriel: ummm, god? they did a study on earth showing prayers were ineffective. you might wanna send some miracles down there. you know, get faith back up in the polls.

god: dude, shut the fuck up! i'm trying to watch "House" over here.


a faultly premise asked her child, "son, what do you want to be when you grow up?" the son then replied, "an irrational conclusion, mommy!" and then he stabbed her.



spiderman a no show at new york tram rescue

motorist still unclear as to how motor vehicle functions

dirt speckled yellow is "the new gray" according to Homeless Weekly's fashion experts

to boost slumping sales, GM designers produce doorless concept car, complete with one side airbags, tits and legs

with total focus, area woman demonstrates the art of chinese ice-holding



"It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured."

--- Shantaram: A Novel by Gregory David Roberts

damn. with such beginnings the interest is piqued. thanks alex, for the heads up. one of the characters is a "criminal-philosopher-saint", just what the career guidance counselor sized me up for in high school.

overheard in Heaven

lord brahma: "hey jesus! jesus! bet you can't juggle like this!"
[shows off with four arms]

jesus: *sigh*

lord krishna: "leave him be. he's not been the same since he found out he was adopted."



1. group of rapists found guilty of playing lacrosse at major university

2. google search algorithm becomes self aware, absconds with all recorded information

3. satan worried advances in science and evolutionary knowledge "stealing his thunder"

4. impressionable youth found unconscious in a hotel lobby, in the middle of an afterparty, allegedly, smelling of bacardi.

humour me again

so, in regards to the post about the inevitability of cynicism... let me first clarify that i imply nothing more than a straightforward interpretation of the word and would like to eschew other concepts, for example pessimism, that though abstractly connected to cynicism, is not part of its definition. that is, a cynic believes [most] people are motivated by selfishness and that "virtue" is achieved through self-control.

i used to be idealistic, up until very recently, figuring altruism to be a significant human trait. if this were true however, capitalism would not have evolved to be the dominant economic phenomenon, or rather, socialist systems wouldn't be so unstable. furthermore, a capitalist system necessarily makes it so that altruistic behaviour is more likely to incur penalties when it comes to survival advantage. with such cause and effect at play, and with an exploding human population competing for finite resources, i can't see how altruism can survive. concordantly (*snap* i've finally used that word) proactive self-interest will predominate.

in that light i see selfishness evident empirically and the cynical position as not invalid. from a personal standpoint, even though i hold that self-control is "virtuous", i have not met a single person, including myself, who exercises it out of principle as opposed to necessity for avoiding disadvantage. (clearly i have never met a buddhist.)

humour me

if one observes the human condition in an honest and logical way one inevitably becomes a cynic. luckily though, when one has saturated the capacity for cynicism one may then become a comic.

"often times, when i'm laughing, it's because i'm dead serious."


iraqi children show their support for the coalition of the willing

after several scandals, republican party re-energizes its public relations campaign

OECD provides billions of dollars worth of crucifixes in aid to africa to save the souls of the millions dying from drought, famine, civil war, aids and first world exploitation


it's pie, with chips, for free!

the gecco is brilliantly comical. i could watch its commercials over and over. whether it actually produces the results warren buffett would like to see is another question, itn't it?

? USA vs TNT ?

got a second round interview in boston, ma, second week in may. this is one of those little events whose binary outcomes often determine drastically different life trajectories. sooo. gotta focus.


today's w.t.f.

why is the temperature in palo alto colder than that in boston?



if i had a soul i would sell it. though it must have depreciated over the last few years.

chicken soup for the... well it's more like broth, that's rhymey

sometimes it all seems gray and all the seers-say is shit is fucked, you got no easy way out, you squeezin your last bit of luck, all you need today more bills to pay without the bigger bucks, but-bitterness is-dangerous, 'll leave you crushed like litter trucks, so don't give in or give it up, you got strong will, so give a fuck, just give it all and bring the pain, until you find your wind again, a healthy mind will mend again, with laughter made its medicine, and structure, faith and discipline, so much to gain, so play to win, and play it smart, don't be the fool, the knocks are hard in every school, and every part of every place, and everybody's in this race, scramblin' for their finish line, gamblin' with their very lives, outta breath, til death, so if you amblin' then you wasting time, so whether shit is gray or black, you gotta stick it, stay on track, though solid ground the seas surround, takes more than an ocean to break your back,



nothing but a pointed hand can soothe the whims of mobs of man

snippets of truth are often false but convenient

in the age of total information the prevalence of headlines, bottom lines, snippets and clips heralds a possible stagnation in the human approach to thinking, or perhaps signifies the upper bounds of computational capacity of the human brain. the necessarily complex physical, social, economic and cultural universe is reduced to oversimplified classifications in almost every debate that takes place, for the sake of mass consumption, leaving one to wonder when last a truly intelligent discussion was had. it is of direct consequence that the spurious dichotomy is the psychological control lever for political maneouvres in society. and it seems most humans, with either less time or capacity for original thought, simply decide whether to endorse one unidimensional projection of what should be a multidimensional concept over another, based on their current biases and calculations of expected utility of adherence to the social group endorsing the relevant view. when someone proclaims his/her beliefs across the information circuit, it becomes an immediate necessity for others to jump on a particular bandwagon for fear being ostracized or left behind.


my first glory hole in paris

archeological find reveals hans solo was a polygamist

romantic phone booth encounter foiled by call on cell; irony keeps flames burning til call finished

after much lobbying gas stations make pumps suicide-accessible

inmates finally get what they've rioted for

catholic sees miraculous image of the virgin mary on church candle jars

brrr ?

what just happened. one minute there were posts and one minute there were none. and then here it is again? something is amiss. the latest conspiracy theories surrounding the coming-and-going of the m.in.d.f.light. shindig:

1) censored by chinese government for its propaganda
2) the jews
3) butterly trapped in time travel warp flapped its wings in dublin
4) keyboard malfunction while trying to minimize porn window on arrival of supervisor
5) outsourced, or replaced by cheaper mexican blog
6) probably the jews