
made me think

today, while on the shuttle to work, a man got on as non-chalantly as anyone else and sat down quietly, on his way to work too perhaps. this man was blind, and as if the fates had had it in for him, his face was horribly disfigured - mouth and nose misshapen with long scars - leading me to the conclusion that he was in some kind of terrible accident once. that this man chooses everyday to continue living despite the struggle he must go through in terms of the reaction of the humans around him, is simply amazing.

today, while at work in my office, i received an email saying that a woman who worked at the law cafe where i often get sandwiches for lunch was hit by a car while heading home last friday and died from her injuries over the weekend. she has two kids, 8 and 10, and her family can't even afford to have her body shipped back to mexico. i couldn't eat at the law cafe today.

today i felt ashamed of myself for ever entertaining self-pity.

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