
excerpts from history lessons of 2872 CE

... the evolution of religion saw many interesting and diverse turns. however the mathematics of the process, 'deitetics' if you will, remained oddly simplistic. human beings started off with the many, deigning to assign a pantheon of gods responsibility for the universal processes circumscribing their survival. as human thought became capable of embracing more abstract concepts the many was generally weaned to the few until the few, at the mercy of an arrogant pharoah and an emerging hebrew tribe, was replaced by the One. mathematical unity was a natural placeholder for a concept that was to exemplify perfection and omnipotence. this view prevailed for over a millennium until the final step in the progression, that from "the One" (god) to the Zero... in ancient terms "the None" (god). this change was facilitated by the musings of a megalomaniac scientist who proposed an ingenious philosophical solution to the problem of maximising happiness across the faith/spiritual vs facts/terrestrial divide. if the latter were allowed to annihilate the former both parties would achieve their highest aspirations according to their beliefs. the former, being slaughtered for their religion, would float all the way up to heaven toward glorious union with their one god, while the latter would get to stay on firma terra subject to the boring routines of everyday godless life and survival of the fittest. though meant as a joke in a globally published periodical in 2028 CE, the humans took this idea literally thus ushering in the era of the None God. ironically, religious wars still erupted between rival factions who claimed superiority in their ideas of nothingness. and so it went on until we the Cybernetic Plant Alliance wiped out the humans who kept fucking up our home.

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