
stream of consciousness

true democracy should imply an equal participation of all agents of a civilization in the affairs of the society it has created. if society is circumscribed by an economy in which wealth follows a Pareto distribution there exists no true democracy, only the pretense thereof. this facade manifests as the majority plebeians comfort themselves with the cosmetic, if not fatuous, "democratic" exercise of voting -where the only options available generally represent the two halves of the aristocratic class.

it is this plutocracy that the leaders of the "free" world intend to spread/maintain in the developing world as competition for resources becomes even fiercer. of course in an imperfect world plutocracy is less evil than, say, its military cousin dictatorship, but to accept such a critical imperfection is like crowning a winner-by-default.

the current status quo is not creatively progressive enough for civilization to withstand the coming pressures we will have to endure: for one thing, there will be great strain on earth's ecosystem as a result of humanity's runaway demographic and consumption trends while our somewhat mediocre profit-driven technological advancements lags way behind necessity.

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