
doing the numbers

between the 19th and the 23rd of may approximately 2200 H1-B visa petitions were submitted. data. so let's say we use a lower bound of 440 petitions submitted per day. there are about 13,000 spots left so assuming a constant rate of beneficiary accrual the cap will be reached about one month from today. the implications here are that employers already know these facts after consulting their immigration lawyers, hence their hesitation to hire a foreign person at this stage in the cycle, no matter the qualifications.

taking all this into consideration, moving to new york in late june to continue the job search is no longer logical. or rather, it was "logical" before only because i did not have this information factored into the probabilities. the further implication is that i should therefore allocate more time and effort to thinking about the job search in trinidad, which, if i'm smart about it, means i should head there as soon as possible when work in the US is finished. that would preclude the rounds i wanted to make on the east coast to visit close friends. but i can't be sad about it, gotta be smart about survival.

hmmm. i'm doing all these numbers because i have to buy a plane ticket to leave cali pretty soon. the question is destination.

1 comment:

AK said...

Even if I wasn't on the east coast and wouldn't have a chance to see you on your east coast trip, I'd say put off the return to Trinidad *at least* a week and make the trip.

I know your focus is elsewhere now, but this is an opportunity as well, one that I think is very important, and one that may not come around again soon.