
the legal way

i was reading a bbc comments section discussing the immigration situation and i saw this statement from a reader:

"I can't blame illegal immigrants for wanting to come here. But neither can I blame myself for wanting them to go home. Please immigrate the legal way."

this guy is absolutely on point. immigrants, we won't call your real name, you really do need to learn how to immigrate the LEGAL way. it's not that difficult. don't cross the border from the south, that's just not a good look! instead shackle your fittest men and put them at the bottom of some dank wooden ships in the atlantic. this way the REAL americans will let you do all the work you want and more! and then when they require another generation of workers they will send for an adequate number of female child-bearers to replenish your stock.

you'll have lots to look forward to as second class citizenship is institutionalized into your society and inequality of opportunity lowers the bar for your children. yes, immigrants, all of this can be achieved within the limits of the law, which - as evidenced by words and sentences in the constitution - has been the ultimate authority on equality of men since the good old days when we could keep the missus in line with the rule of thumb. so please, immigrants, do it the legal way.

and pay no heed to lady liberty's misprint: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." the message was lost in translation because it was probably typed by a gay-ass french man. here is the original: "Give your tired, your poor, your huddled masses the wretched refuse. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost, to the door."

for a clearer conceptualization see the example below:

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