
life planning in the office

if i was born with the resources and conditions to do whatever i want it would involve some interconnected combination of physics, neuroscience, psychology and mathematics. and of course two turn tables and a microphone. and some ghostwriting for wu tang. hopefully though i'll be at peace with the fact that life's too finite, its events too uncontrollable, its exigencies too demanding, to be able to accomplish all the things that i think would make me incredibly "happy".


i can live vicariously through wikipedia... the topic of today being psych: cognitive biases. i'm trying to learn some of these terms so i can accurately describe a faulty thought process when someone proselytizes to me or when i soliloquize cuz there's nothing on TV. so when a brown bwoy in baggy jeans and a bob marley tshirt drops jewels in the midst of some ivy leaguers' conversation they experience some cognitive dissonance if they're predisposed to stereotyping tendencies. why do i love doing that? (there's something puerile about it.) i need to find me some regular hobbies. like a soul sucking job.


Dominikimchee said...

Wow, this ish takes me back. Maybe this is just my Rosy Retrospection speaking, but ah, how I value my Ivy League Psychology degree...

Not sure you really have a puerile love for causing cognitive dissonance. I think maybe you're just striving to be memorable a la Von Restorff Effect.

And regarding your post below...I think what you're trying to say is that the Halo Effect is not a good look.

Marc said...

best comment ever.
regarding your last statement i had the exact thought about the previous post.

don't know about the von restorff effect as much though. i tend to prefer to stick in like a sly navel as opposed to out like a sore thumb. hence all my clothes are black, blue and grey. (red only if i'm feeling mischievous.) it's just that those condescending Walgreens *wink* type people really irk me.

i think loss aversion is a tight concept. i only sat in on two lectures in prospect theory though.

Dominikimchee said...

eh, lectures 3 through 20 were probably just about how $$$ have decreasing marginal utility. hence, gains are aight, but losses hurt like a motherhubbard. (not that I was there.)

So, put on your mischievous red clothes and rob that boy Walgreens. His loss will hurt a lot. And although your gain will feel moderate in terms of the money, you will more than make up for it in the satisfaction of seeing that fool cry.