
Bush Explains Iraq

White House - On Friday President George Bush published an op-ed in the mainstream print press titled "Heroic Victery" under the pseudonym The Decider. In the one paragraph piece Bush delved deep into some sort of philosophical roots, as he described his gut feelings about the war in Iraq.

"It's like, Iraq is like a complex thing. There're some good things and some not good things. What we're doing in Iraq will be sort of like a mix, like the average of a 'pyrrhic victery' and a 'heroic failure' ... like if those two things got together and made a baby that baby'd be a 'Heroic Victery!' Iraq, is our 'Heroic Victery' baby. I'm like the son of King Pyrrhus and King Leonidas, if they were to make a baby, which they can't because that threatens the sanctity of marriage but I'm just sayin' hyperthetically here. I did a search on The Google to find this out. A pyrrhic victery is like when you win but you get a bunch of guys killed in the process and you wonder whether it's worth it. Heh heh, well I think wondering is for the weak and unpatriotic. But a heroic failure is like that 300 movie, where the troops are all defeated and killed, but set an example of heroism, they had really good exercise routines for the abdominals. That's call "abs" for short. I like that movie. In fact I'm gonna send 300 troops to Persia to die right now... it's called a 'surge'. Sounds manly. So in summary, what we are doing in the middle east is that, we are pursuing a 'Heroic Victery' in Iraq, as long as we stay the course and sacrifice. History will remember this, cuz history has a good memory about things."

When asked whether it was possible that the baby he described could be a "Pyrrhic Failure" instead Bush replied, "No I don't have those problems, I get it up all the time when I have heterosexual relations with my wife. Cuz sometimes we do it. In the missionary's position. And it works just fine."

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