
quotable notes

an eye for an eye would make the whole world go blind but sight wouldn't be worth shit when the sun burns out.

all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. however, if jack doesn't get that paper he's not going to get any play at all so jack better work a lot.

a watched pot never boils. unless you have laser beams in your eyes. then it will probably boil if you watch it with your rad laser eye beams. bzzzzzt! *water boils!*

a rolling stone gathers no moss, but it's cooler than most because it doesn't conform like those other stones who keep still and shit.

absence makes the heart grow fonder. but abstinence makes the balls grow blue. we should probably have a quickie before you leave.

as you make your bed, so must you lie in it. telling the truth to your wife is overrated anyway.

1 comment:

josie said...

i like the second to last one. lol